Ministry Opportunities
Kuttawa First Baptist Church

Kuttawa First Baptist Church believes kids are an important part of our church family. We offer a variety of activities and learning opportunities for kids of all ages. Some of the events include Just for Kids, Vacation Bible School, Children's Church and an Easter Egg Hunt. Be sure to ask about our Kids!

Student Ministry
Our student ministry is meeting each Sunday night during the Evening Worship Service.
Our Youth Ministry Team plans activities for fun, fellowship and learning for our students.

Young Adult Ministry
Our Young Adult Ministry is a growing ministry in our church family. You may be a newly married couple, a college student, a college graduate or young single adult. This ministry is for you.

Senior Adult Ministry
Our Senior Adult Ministry offers you an opportunity to Connect, Grow, and Serve. We have regular activities including outings and times of fellowship at the the church. Come be a part of our Senior Adult Ministry.

Quilt Ministry
Our quilt ministry provides prayer quilts. As the quilts are given to people, the quilts serve as a reminder that the Kuttawa First Baptist Church family is praying for them. Check the calendar for dates and times the Quilt Ministry will meet.

Sunday School
Our Sunday School classes meet at 9:30 each Sunday morning. We have classes for every age group. Our classes are spread across our campus. If you are not sure where to go, come to any of our buildings and we will get you to the right class.

Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday Morning Worship begins at 10:45AM. We typically meet in the Activities Building but sometimes we meet in the Sanctuary. Our Morning Worship will feature a blend of worship music and a sermon by our Pastor.
Come as you are and worship with us.

Sunday Night
Sunday Night is truly Family Night. Our Kids meet at 6:00 for JFK. Youth Group gathers at 5:30. Adults will meet in the Sanctuary at 6:00 for Worship and Bible Study.

Midweek Bible Study
Our Midweek Bible Study & Prayer meeting is on Wednesday at 6:30. This is typically a more in depth study in the scripture. We also take time each week to pray for those on our prayer list.

Prayer Gathering
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month for a special time of focused prayer. The service begins at 6:30. Each month we will have different focus areas that will be the subject of our prayer time.